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蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to Almost Live here 2016年流媒体西部 in Huntington Beach. 我请来了弗兰克·卡普里亚. 弗兰克,你最近才加入欧几里迪克. 你在公司的职位是什么?

弗兰克Capria: 我是首席产品官.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,你曾经在Avid工作过,对吗?

弗兰克Capria: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,那么你在公司的重点是什么? 你是想推出新产品还是...?

弗兰克Capria: 我们正在努力使现有技术产品化. 这家公司有15年的历史了, 有很多知识产权吗, 多项专利, 现在是时候将它们产品化了.

蒂姆Siglin: 告诉我欧几里迪克技术是什么.

弗兰克Capria: 核心技术是IQ264, X264编码器的优化技术, 所以可以把它看作是X264的插件. 它利用人的视觉系统,对感知质量进行优化. 分析视频的每一帧, 什么对观众来说是重要的, 做出决定,并将更多数据投入到这些宏块中. 这是优化量子化的一部分.

蒂姆Siglin: 这是相当硬核的数学. As you said it's a plugin for an encoder and X264's encoder you work with. 如何 are you productizing that because that would seem like you'd either have to be an encoder manufacturer or an online video platform or something to use the product?

弗兰克Capria: 正确的. What we're doing now is we've partnered to put IQ264 at the center of the encoding process for OTT providers. We've been able to build a complete pipeline of partners and a complete ecosystem that allows us to provide an end-to-end OTT solution, 我们解决了两个问题. We're improving the viewer experience and we're also simplifying the process for the content owner to monetize their properties.

蒂姆Siglin: 那个产品叫什么?

弗兰克Capria: 这就是OptiiQ.ly.

蒂姆Siglin: OptiiQ.ly. 我记得在电话亭看过. 它的拼写是O-P-T-I-I-Q-L-Y.

弗兰克Capria: 是的.

蒂姆Siglin: 你的智商就在这中间?

弗兰克Capria: 当然. 一切都将以智商结束.

蒂姆Siglin: 在智商. 好的,OptiiQ.ly is a video platform that has the IQ264 technology and better than that?

弗兰克Capria: 在编码过程中,所以既可以是直播,也可以是VOD.

蒂姆Siglin: 它的潜在用户是否有机会注册免费试用? 他们的测试过程是怎样的呢?

弗兰克Capria: 他们可以很容易地测试. 他们可以把他们的内容发给我们,进行编码,让我们看看. 他们可以自己使用我们的在线云编码系统. Upload a file or drag and drop a file into our system, it will spit out the file. We take a look at it, you analyze it and then from there we talk to them about what their ... We make it so easy for them that once they decide that's the viewer experience they want, 他们的决定是, “我想在什么平台上工作?? 我的盈利模式是什么? 会是SVOD吗? 是按次付费吗? 或者是广告,或者是某种混合模式? 你知道,有订阅补贴广告模式.

蒂姆Siglin: 确定. Essentially for them the decision is the devices they're going to be on, the platforms and whether they want to do advertising based or subscription based?

弗兰克Capria: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 那么社交媒体呢, I understand you all are sort of moving into the social media field as well?

弗兰克Capria: 当我们为OptiiQ工作时.ly, 当我们构建它的时候, we began to realize that we had to build a cloud-based encoder that was scalable and to test that, we started just encoding and sending our encoded material off to social media and we made a rather simple discovery that our stuff just looked better than what came off of the camera roll of the phones that we were shooting with at the time to do our test, 所以我们发现了一个真正的需求来回答这个问题, "Why does my video off of my phone always look worse on the social media platform than it did on the back of my camera?"

We've simplified the process of social media publications, so you shoot once on your phone. 你选择视频,把它发送上去. You only send it once to our cloud and from there we will publish to your social media accounts.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, so that social media model is similar to your OTT model in the fact that you upload the content once and it publishes out to ... Rather than to multiple device tags, you're doing it to multiple social media?

弗兰克Capria: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,很好.

弗兰克Capria: We're launching at the consumer level to start to show that the system can scale, implementally scale and we do plan on offering an enterprise version and that product's called UptiiQ. U-P-T-I-I-Q.

蒂姆Siglin: I-I-Q,还是IQ. 那么HVEC呢? 我知道IQ264是基于264的,你知道吗 ... We've talked to several people and some see the trend in HVEC, others don't see the trend. 你们在说什么?

弗兰克Capria: 我们跟同一个人谈过可能是因为没有定论. 我个人相信HVEC会到来.

蒂姆Siglin: 如何?

弗兰克Capria: 问题是什么时候.

蒂姆Siglin: 当?

弗兰克Capria: 我不指望很快就能搞定. 我希望人们能无限期地使用264. There are some providers that seem very committed to 264 almost indefinitely. 我们确实有一款IQ265产品正在研发中. 它已经开始测试. 都是内在的. 我们将做好准备,并根据需要对市场作出反应.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,非常好. 再一次。, 弗兰克·卡普里亚报道, Director of Product at EuclidIQ and this is Almost Live 2016年流媒体西部.

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