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How 快 Strategy Is Changing as the Ecosystem Matures

As we move well into the era of 快 2.0, 在早期为快带来成功的策略还能带来回报并确保持续增长吗? Is it time for 快 pioneers to re-innovate? YouTube黄金时段频道的成功能给快品牌带来什么经验呢, less Wild West-like 快 ecosystem? 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP, discusses these questions with Cameron Saless, Chief Business Officer, 值得信赖的媒体品牌克里斯·奈特,总裁 & 首席执行官, Gusto全球传媒, and Evan Bregman, General Manager, Streaming, Tastemade 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023.

夏皮罗提到,可信媒体品牌是快的创新者和早期推动者. He asks Saless, “How are you emulating that early mover advantage? 既然你看到了生态系统的本质变化,你将如何在你的业务中模仿这种创新周期?”

萨利斯强调,由于有大量的选择,建立品牌资产对任何媒体业务都是至关重要的. “我们不只是把我们在这些不同平台上的内容放在快上,他说. “We built out a team that comes from television. 我们打造以人才为导向、高制作价值的电视节目和模式. So you have to create a different experience there, and then you have to figure out how to pay for all this. And part of that is the packaging. 我们正在与丰田和KitchenAid等公司进行大规模合作,帮助他们以各种方式接触到受众, 继续前进, 我们想深入研究这个问题.”

Chris Knight of Gusto TV says, “We're working on four different co-productions with four different platforms.”

夏皮罗说, “So, 澄清一下, 你正在为分销合作伙伴制作不同的节目,这些节目将在你的频道和他们的平台上播出?”

奈特说:“如果有一个节目能引起某个平台合作伙伴的共鸣,我们就会联合制作. “我们分摊成本.“这进一步强调了利用不同平台的合拍片来区分自己并创造收入的重要性.

Evan Bregman of Tastemade talks about the evolving concepts of “channels,,其中包括可以以各种方式消费的免费和付费内容的品牌页面. “If you want to see the future of what a channel looks like,他说, “I highly recommend everyone spend some time looking at those YouTube频道 that have primetime channels in them. 的 国家橄榄球联盟 显然是大的那个. 的re are many others, including Tastemade, that have a primetime channel on there. This is what a channel will look like in the future. It is a branded page with free and paywall content. 它有短格式和中间格式的内容,以各种不同的方式分发. It's merchandised in such a way as to lead you into a paid experience clearly, but you can consume that content whichever way you want. 关键是, like Cameron [Saless] was saying, is you are familiar with the brand and coming there to consume from that brand.”

完整的会议 from 流媒体 Connect November 2023. 流媒体 Connect 2024 is also currently running through February 22. 注册在这里. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

快 Company: How to Compete in a Crowded 快 Landscape

随着越来越多的优质内容工作室开始认真对待快(免费广告支持的流媒体电视), and the number of channels continues to grow, 独立流媒体如何与有限的预算和内容竞争? Is it more than finding and focusing on a niche? Independent Streaming Alliance co-founders Floris Bauer from Gunpowder & 来自Crackle Connex的Sky和Tim Ware讨论了他们的个人和集体生存策略, 蓬勃发展的, 并在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中使用流媒体轻松赚钱的马里昂·兰切特.

How Streamers Can Help Advertisers Deliver the Right Creative

流媒体平台广告的独特之处一直都是将合适的广告传递给合适的用户的绝佳机会,而传统电视广告的单色广泛性是无法实现的. But delivering on that promise remains a work in progress. PepsiCo Head of Media Strategy & Katie Haniffy在OMD U的采访中讨论了流媒体可以更有效地与广告商合作的具体方法,以帮助他们将创意与消费者相匹配,并确保他们的广告转化.S. 视频投资主管 & Activation Suzanne Irving at 纽约流媒体.

的 Most Demanded 快 Genre in 2024: 新闻

2024 is the ultimate election year. A total of 91 countries—including the U.S.,美国.K., India, and 27 European Union nations—will hold elections. 在这种情况下, 看到平台和新闻媒体精心策划他们的快速频道策略并不奇怪. 的 BBC 新闻 快 channel launch was perfectly timed in that regard. BBC 新闻 is now available as a 快 channel on platforms like Pluto TV, 三星电视Plus, Xumo玩, VIZIO, 和更多的.

New Tubi Streaming Report Reveals Gen Z & Millennial Preferences for SVOD & 快

Tubi, Fox Corporation's ad-supported streaming service, released findings from 的 Stream 2024: Streaming Insights for Marketers. 在今年的报告中, Tubi, who partnered with 的 Harris Poll to conduct research, 提供了一个深入了解的行为和偏好,今天的主播,以帮助通知营销策略. 流媒体's 泰勒Nesler spoke with Tubi's Cynthia Clevenger, Senior Vice President of B2B Marketing, about many of the report's key findings and what they reveal

Walmart’s Vizio Acquisition and the Future of 快

沃尔玛(Walmart)最近收购Vizio,以及亚马逊Prime将收购免费的vee的传闻,这些都告诉我们快生态系统的状况如何? 像Tubi和Fremantle这样的公司如何在不断变化的媒体环境中优化他们的快产品? Tubi的Sam Harowitz和Fremantle的Laura Florence在流媒体连接2024上与媒体制图师Evan Shapiro进行了讨论.

Emerging Trends in CTV and Streaming Monetization

Google TV高级工程总监Shobana Radhakrishnan讨论了Google TV正在发生的变化&E内容消费,如CTV和流媒体相对于传统线性广播的增长, the continued fragmentation of the streaming content market, 以及向更多基于广告的货币化模式的转变将如何影响2024-26年的整体收入情况.

Why Niche Programmers Are First in 快

从快的早期开始, 敏捷性和战略创新是初创公司和小众内容公司的标志,是快世界成功的关键. 随着独立流媒体联盟(ISA)的出现,对利基快提供商的宣传力度加大, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, TMB的卡梅伦·萨莱斯报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特在《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的这段视频中讨论了快市场是如何开始的,以及围绕灵活的初创企业是如何成熟的.

的 State of 快 Markets: Europe vs. US

众所周知,美国的快市场比欧洲和世界其他地区成熟得早. But as the European market grows, is it evolving along the same lines as the US market, 美国市场失败的经验教训是否可以为欧洲的快战略提供借鉴? 流媒体通讯作者马里昂·兰切特和ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗在流媒体连接2023年的这段视频中讨论了欧洲快生态系统的状况.

Is Producing Original Content Table Stakes for 快 Brands?

In the absence of subscription revenue that underwrites SVOD services, what's the ideal balance of original and licensed programming for 快 brands, and how does it differ for smaller and larger providers? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 来自TasteMade的Evan Bregman, 和心灵鸡汤的菲利普·圭尔顿剖析了快速货币化的复杂性——特别是对于小众服装——在这段来自流媒体连接2023的剪辑中.

的 State of 快: Around the Horn with Fubo, Estrella Media, and HARTBEAT

所有关于快 2的讨论.0和快速通道的爆炸式增长,接近市场饱和, is 快's self-reinvention a foregone conclusion, or even advisable at this juncture? 今天推动增长的新的和正在出现的快速增长战略是什么, as opposed to a year or two ago? 好莱坞每年至少有两个季度的罢工对频道和内容开发有何影响?