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How Streaming Power Consumption Impacts TCO

在考虑总拥有成本(TCO)时,有哪些重要的考虑因素?, and how does reducing power consumption help? Tim Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream Research Foundation, and Contributing Editor, Streaming Media, says, “When you talk about total cost of ownership, that's a seemingly a financial discussion, but how does that fit into [a] power consumption model?”

“我在西雅图工作,”Field首席信息安全官约翰·雅各布斯说, Fortinet. “We've done a lot of work with Microsoft他们说一台服务器使用的能量在三个月内就会超过一台服务器的成本. So if something goes out, [they] throw it away. There is this complete understanding at their level. 当你在宏观层面上考虑它对组件有多重要时, 我们的看法略有不同,因为我们通常是一个成本中心,以安全为基础. 所以对我们来说,问题是如何以最低的成本应用它? 这通常是硬件,我并不是说这总是正确的解决方案, but if we can get hardware-based 10, 20, 30 times performance for a specific piece of hardware, that's easy math to do.”

“If you think back to the telco days, I mean early telco versus, say, telco in the 50s and 60s, what we saw there was sort of that same model,” Siglin says. “Of course, they didn't have software in the early days, 而是通过使用早期的asic和其他类似的东西, they really got the capacity levels up significantly. Where do we sit at this point? Obviously, there's talk about FPGA ASICs DSPs. When you're talking about hardware, 硬件本身是否可以将能耗降低一半? 还是用软件优化硬件?”

Jacobs says, “There's a combination of both, but ultimately, we see 70, 在普通CPU上执行相同的任务可以减少80%的功耗. So if you have somebody who just says, ‘I'm experimenting,’…they're going to punt it to a general processor. 一旦他们弄明白了——电信公司仍然很重要——你知道, less and less every day, but they've pushed that, 他们了解规模的价值和规模的成本. 他们把费用降到每个用户X美元每个许可证和每个运营成本.’ So they're really good about it. Unfortunately, 他们不太了解自己业务的另一面,也不太了解如何从中获利. 因此,他们在全球市场上有点失败,但善于解决这个问题.”

Siglin问小组的另外两位参与者,校长兼首席执行官Barbara Lange, Kibo121, and Frank Miller, CTO, Varnish Software,了解他们对TCO的看法,以及TCO与电力消耗的关系.

兰格说:“我想说,可持续发展关乎效率和提高效率. “The more you can do those sorts of things, 无论是通过硬件重新定位,许多组织现在都在这样做. 它既是组件的一部分,也是软件解决方案的一部分.她强调,可持续发展也是开展业务的一个方面,必须从一开始就加以整合. “可持续发展的重要部分是从一开始就把它融入到你的商业决策中,” she says. “你不能在后台这么做……它必须成为你在任何决策战略会议上的初始对话的一部分。. 这是一种心态的改变,我认为随着法规的发挥,这种改变会越来越多.”

“这是这样做的部分原因,这样它就会持续下去,而不仅仅是一种时尚?” Siglin asks.

“This is not a fad anymore,” Lange says. “One of the big things that are coming is the SEC 是否即将改变一些要求上市公司在财务报告中进行可持续发展衡量和报告的备案规定. 这将推动可持续发展的讨论,因为每个公司都是 Scope 3 component to somebody else.”

“I think it's interesting because at the end of the day, creating efficient software is kind of ignored,” Miller says. “Especially workloads that run in the cloud.他讨论了Varnish最近一直在做的工作 Intel that is relevant to increasing efficiency. “Varnish Software, even going back 10 years, has been highly performant…case in point, 我确实认为我们拥有业内最好的游戏, [with] performance at about 386 megabits per watt. 但请给我们大约四分之一的时间来介绍我们在英特尔实验室所做的工作, with their next-generation processors; we're aiming for a gigabit per wat. 因此,如果你从下一代的角度来看,以运行最具挑战性的工作负载, the power demand will go down by two-thirds.”

“And that’s a competitive advantage,” Lange says.

“It's not just green,” Miller says. “这可以追溯到对现有硬件进行一代或两代的重用.”

Learn more about the greening of streaming and TCO at Streaming Media East 2023.

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