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The edge in content delivery is by definition a moving target. Where do leading content companies see the edge today, and where do they expect it to be in 5 years? 马克·德容主席 CDN联盟, discusses this topic with Rob Collins, Executive Director of Software Development, Starz和高级工程经理Subhrendu Sarkar, HBO 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023.

“你如何看待与云和CDN相关的优势?德容问道。. “作为一种延伸,一种附加? 你认为它比云更有用吗? 它是否比CDN更有用? Where do you see edge going in, let's say, one to two years? 罗伯[柯林斯],我能从你开始吗?”

柯林斯列举了Starz的特定边缘用例. A primary example, 他说, is using it for AB testing analytics. 为那, 他说, “The main benefit is we're able to make it a server project that does not require specific client development. 这对我们来说不那么复杂了. And since that's been out there, there's been similar type of ideas [to] piggyback on that. Our primary one that's more in the experimental phase really involves recommendation and personalization.”

He says that Starz has partnered with bigger and more developed AI recommender systems. “So we went with that, and it's still kind of server-bound in a lot of ways,” 他说. “There feels like there are some opportunities to [see] things that happen in real-time, 用户的选择. 有时, those will take maybe a minute to propagate back and inform what kind of personalization somebody's seeing out on the edge. 我们可能会说, “好吧, let's now offload some of that stuff we're doing on the server right now. Let's move it closer to the edge and then get a quicker kind of response.“再一次, 这还处于早期阶段[s], 所以我不知道它是否会成为现实, 但是我们在做一个尖峰, 从概念上讲,我们喜欢它所包含的内容.”


“One is primarily on acceleration or latency sensitive features or applications that [are] probably very good candidates to run on the edge,萨卡尔说。. “And the other is where you may run into limitations if you run something at scale on the cloud or where it may make more sense to distribute things on the edge. I think right now, the edge is really in the beginning stages of availability. If the cost on the edge is significantly higher from the cloud, then it becomes more difficult to rationalize processing things on the edge in large volumes.”

他举了一些例子. “Anything that a user customizes, you probably can be able to use the edge,” 他说. “So recommendation systems, add insertions, manifest customization, and so forth. DRM services [that] you may want to have tied to specific entitlements of users. And the other set is things like CDN routing, switching decision-making, and CDN log analysis. And this again comes back to tying to the CDN edges or CDN providers who provide edge computing. They may be more suited to provide the CDN logs and processing them. One aspect I am hoping we make progress with in the next few years is more standardization on the CDN logs.”

He elaborates on some of the issues arising from the lack of standardization of CDN logs. “如果我在写东西, CDN日志分析工具, I have to write four different software on the four different CDNs. 然后, 如果加上第五个, 你会写第五部, 如果你去掉第五个, 那你就不需要第五个了. So you can't justify the cost to develop something for CDN log analysis. 但一旦这成为标准, then it would make much better use cases to running it on the edge than on a central server because you wouldn't want to pipe in petabytes of CDN logs into a central location when it makes more sense to process and analyze them on the edge and make decisions based on that on the edge itself rather than doing centralized decisions because you probably would need edge decisions. Only the edge is tied to a specific region, and you need a decision for that region only. So those are pretty much [what] I say would be the highlights of the edge coming in the next few years.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

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