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SMNYC 2024: Tastemade's Evan Bregman Talks 独立流媒体联盟 and Standardizing Measurement

在纽约流媒体,蒂姆·西格林,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体接受了流媒体总经理Evan Bregman的采访, Tastemade,创始成员; 独立流媒体联盟 (ISA). They discuss the fast growth of Tastemade’s streaming service and the ISA’s aims to define standards and overcome hurdles in the streaming industry through collaboration and standardizing measurement in a fragmented ecosystem.

西格林对布雷格曼说:“谈谈你自己吧. 我们来谈谈Tastemade,然后是独立流媒体联盟.”

Bregman告诉Siglin,他是Tastemade的流媒体负责人, 它已经存在了12年了, 流媒体将于2018年开始成为他们的业务. 他说:“我在不到两年前加入公司,目的是集中管理这个团队. “它现在是我们公司增长最快的部分. 我们每个月在全球有1300万观众. 美国有四个频道专注于食品, 旅行, 还有家居设计, 还有Español上的Tastemade. 然后我们就有了国际影响力, including a local language channel in Brazil produced out of our studio in Sao Paulo and an international English language feed.”

“And so are the channels here in the States both on cable 和流媒体 or just streaming?西格林问道.

“流,布雷格曼说, “But we're on all the major Virtual Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (vMVPD) as well as all the major fast platforms. 我们是分布最广的流媒体生活频道.”



“ICA是一年前由一群独立主播创建的,布雷格曼说, “这些人在流媒体世界的时间比任何人都长, 根据我们的定义, 完全独立的, 不是主流媒体公司的一部分. We came together because we saw that our ecosystem was approaching a point where we needed to be collaborative. We needed to start defining standards in order to overcome very predictable hurdles within the development of any kind of ecosystem [where] if we were to overcome them, 我们真的可以推动整个生态系统向前发展. 我们都想在谈判桌上占有一席之地,而且我们的影响力相当广泛. We’ve had a pretty successful first year just comparing notes and trying to understand how we can approach the various different very large corporations that we all interact with on a daily basis. Folks like The Trade Desk, as well as all of our various different distribution partners.”

Siglin问道:“ISA的最终目标是什么,除了交换意见? 在分配或生产方面是否存在规模经济?”

“It really is about finding areas where we can use our kind of collective might to push the industry forward,布雷格曼说. “There are business decisions that are completely outside of the realm of antitrust or anything like that where we can just kind of say, ‘嘿, this is the standard that we are all going to agree to because we think that it's the best one. 如果我们都这么说,事情就会这样发生, 然后我们就可以把整个行业推向那个方向, 在测量和分配方面, 多样性, 股本 & 包容(DEI)和需求.”


“我今天早些时候进行了一次谈话,我们谈到了 尼尔森西格林说. “You've been around the industry long enough [to know] that there were attempts to try to figure out how to take measurement in aggregate across cable, 广播, 和流媒体. And a number of those attempts were publicly rebuffed because of the simple fact that whoever was getting the ratings felt like they weren't in the right position. 作为小型独立开发者,你们如何看待分析和评级?”

Bregman says that cohesive measurement in the currently fragmented media ecosystem is very difficult and that the ISA is primarily focused on coming up with measurement standards and transparency. “比如如何在流媒体环境中衡量品牌内容? 最重要的是,我们非常注重透明度. So, within the realms of our confidentiality agreements with our distribution partners, it would truly elevate the competitive landscape for us to understand a little bit more about what is going on between all of our various channels, 即使只是相对意义上的,即使是完全匿名的. The comparison for this is what the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG) built for the Electronic Sell-through (EST) and the Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) world, where all the major media companies came together and anonymized their data according to very predictable rules.”

“That's actually very heartening to hear that the smaller players are able to band together and have some influence in that西格林说.



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, lively debate at 流媒体连接.

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